
I survived…barely.

School started last week for me and the little ones. There was actually one day where all four of us were at school at the same time.


I mean I knew this day would eventually come but, much like college graduation and childbirth itself, you are never fully prepared for the wonderment of the actual event.

Doug and I are in full agreement that Dean’s education should be taken very seriously. With one week of preschool under his little belt we have already sat him down and explained the importance of picking a major early on. We are encouraging him towards Pre- Med, Pre- Law and Accountancy perhaps with a minor in Sociology so he will be able to dominate dinner parties.

I don’t usually do kids fashion on this blog but I have a specific vibe I am going for Dean this semester (do preschools have semesters? I know there is no Honor Roll…I asked) I call the look “Prep-school Pot Dealer.”

I hope nobody is offended-I assure you that my 2 year old is not dealing drugs, but the look is quite preppy for a Pizza Bagel
(He’s half Jewish and half Italian)

My classes are amazing this semester. Well, My classes are actually the same exact classes that I have been teaching forever- same syllabi, same books same jokes, but I have new students each semester and this semester they seem engaged in the subject.

This is what I wore the first day of class
Remix- nothing new

This is what I wore Friday
Ann Taylor Bolero Twin Set ($5-Worth Repeating)
Banana Republic trousers (Did I just call them Trousers?- OMG I am turning into my Mother)($5 Worth Repeating
Echo Scarf ($3 Boys and Girls Club Rummage Sale)
Gucci Belt ($25 Junior League Thrift Shop)
Chanel pumps (Saks Fifth Avenue)

And no, I don’t consider myself a label whore- I consider myself a label escort


  1. Happy New Year! Glad to see everyone got off to such an academic start.

  2. You look great, as always! I'm glad to see you survived the summer! "Prep Scool Pot Dealer" totally cracked me up. :)

  3. oh my gosh! i really adore your blog :)i just found it today and i'm so glad i did. i love the concept of recycling and refashioning. you have really wonderful taste and you're so inspiring, thanks for all the great posts!


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