
It's a Dress...It's a Tunic...It's Whatever you Want it to Be Tonight Honey

Today's guest model is none other than the lovely Belen, my Mother (more of a younger sister). Belen is not new to the high profile modeling circuit; In the early 60's she was a model in the garment district of Manhattan.
Belen shares my infatuation with cashmere. This cashmere piece was purchased at Next to New, in Oyster Bay, NY. She has paired it with pilazzo pants, which are so slimming for all body types but can only be pulled off by certain people, Belen being one of them.
Belen's Cardinal Style rule- "Stay away from prints. They distract from your face. Unless you are ugly and need the distraction, prints are never your friend. "


  1. Wow, your mom was a model. How fabulous is that. I'm sure that is where you got your fashion sense then! I'm not sure if you found me on another blog but I'm so happy that your following. I will do the same! It seems that I here the snow out there just keeps on blowing in! Here in the foothills we had a light snow day or two and of course above me in the sierra we had a some more but nothing like you have had! Have a great day!

  2. Thanks so much. I am so glad you like my blog...It's the little blog that could. I don't mind the cold because it is more fun to dress when I have to layer sweaters upon sweaters until my arm don't go to my side than in the summer when I have to try to camouflage nature's indiscretions.


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