
Severing My Ties (or Not)

Yes, this skirt is fashioned entirely from ties. Ten, to be exact. I feel so powerful…so competent… so middle managerial.

It’s all a little bittersweet though. It’s a rather sad tale…

You remember when you were a kid and you spend hours daydreaming about your wedding? What colors it would be; which song you and your betrothed would share dance to; what filling your cake would have.

Well, according to my husband men also clock in hours at the fantasy planning factory, but their fantasy is about the proposal.

This was his plan:

He would pay someone to deliver a video to his lady friend’s office. There she would watch a tape of him, in a point of view, shot walking into her office building..saying hello to the concierge…going up the elevator…walking down the hall and eventually knocking at the door of her office with a ring in his hand. At that point he would be at her door and he would actually knock (on her door…not on the tape)and she would open the door and see him standing there with a ring.

Awww. Very romantic, no?

Sadly for him I foiled his plans. I am not sure who he was planning to marry but I am quite certain she has much nicer underwear than me and wears ties to work frequently. Apparently she has a “real job” (9 to 5) and her own office, which indicates some measure of success since she is not in some sort of cubicle. Also, her office is large enough to house a VHS and monitor, which she has need for frequently. Not only that, but she works in an office with a concierge: Wow…fancy.

I teach. I have a classroom full of hung-over freshmen and no office. I have a little space in a shared faculty office but am warned not to leave anything there because it will certainly disappear. Though we do have a VHS and monitor it has not worked since the mid-90s (but perhaps that is only true when in front of a classroom).

You didn’t want her anyway, Doug, trust me. Plus look, I have ties too. I am very corporate.


  1. THAT...is amazing. That is not something I would have every come up with, nor had the ability to execute.

    And I certainly couldn't pull off wearing it, but you look fantastic!

  2. You look way better than Kelly Clarkson did in a skirt made of ties!

  3. wow, that is so creative and genius! And by the way, I love your comment title "little nuggets of validation.." :) amazing.

  4. Awww that is such a cute proposal idea! hehe :D
    Love the tie skirt, Fran D. wore one on The Nanny in a few episodes :)

  5. Wow now that is AMAZING!!! You rock it sweetie :)

  6. Hilarious post. And adorable skirt. How tiny are you that only ten ties are needed to wrap around your hips? Seriously.

  7. I just love this - I would wear this. And you made it!? Awesome.

    Hilarious, I concur.

  8. I'm flattered that you all think I am bright enough to actually be able to make this skirt. But let me just clear up: I have absolutly no ability to thread a needle...no less make a garment. I bought this at housing Work Thrift shop pre-refashioned.
    But I am glad everyone likes it. I didn't know that Nanny Fine had the same one. It is not the first time she and I have sported similar wares.LOL

  9. I love the skirt. I remember seeing one at a thrift store back when I was 14. I wanted it so bad :(
    Your office sounds like mine when I was in grad school. I had to share a window-less office with 6 other people in the basement of the library. Good times!!!!

  10. Your blog is so cute, I'm going to follow (:


  11. Hahaha! This post is awesome.

  12. Can your husband and family get any more adorable? Really.

  13. My friend from the shabbychicboutique made my daughter a tie outfit for fall! I can hardly wait for her to wear it! Of course I would look like the worlds biggest idiot if I tried to wear something like that lmbo

  14. So glad I came to your blog. So fun, and great clothes too! :) I can't even describe that tie skirt...just speechless..but wait, I meant that as a compliment! Notice how "speechless" is quite ambiguous?


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